This summer has brought about opportunities to watch my girls regather and reconnect.

I don't know if I have words to express how happy it makes my heart to watch them
laugh & play,
argue & still love,
and grow & enjoy each other as young women.

I believe it was Margaret Mead who said,
is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but
once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship."

I believe that is mostly true. I treasure my sisters, and especially my oldest and closest sister.
I have blogged about our relationship before.
(click here).

I miss my sisters when we are apart and I know my daughters miss each other when they are separated by miles.
But when we are all together, it is a beautiful thing.

I believe having a sibling enables me to live life as half - child, half - woman. When we are around our siblings it is impossible to not share stories from our past, reminisce, and feel like a kid again.

And that is enhanced when you get together with a sister whom which you shared a bedroom, fought over bathroom space, car keys, and clothes.
When squabbles and fights would occur between us kids, I recall mom telling us, "you don't have to LIKE each other, but you do have to LOVE each other. Because in the end all you have is family."

I found new best friends that are now as close as family.
I am blessed and I know I am loved. What else does a girl need?

Watch for my next blog.
Oh the stories I have to tell!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN
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