Do you still live in the city or town you were born in?
How many times have you moved in your life?
Growing up I imagined I would live and die in the same city.
I never thought I would venture too far from the tree lined streets where I grew up.
But that hasn't been the case.
The world is getting smaller.
Travel is easier and more affordable. When I was a child the only people I knew that flew on airplanes were the extremely rich.
Communication and technology fit in the palm of our hands. Gone are the days of rotary dial phones and party lines. Do you remember party lines? Sharing a phone line with a neighbor on the next block?
Times have changed that is for sure!
Being the parent of 8 children, all with varied interests and talents,
I suspected they would move away.
I didn't believe they would live and die in the small town they spent most of their school years.
I thought some might, but not all 8.
Little did I know that it would be me that would move away before the kids had much of a chance to.
Our move began 5 years ago this month with my husband heading west ahead of me and the kids.
Our family has been in transition, criss crossing the country, ever since.
Most of the moves have been due to college or university changes, graduations and job acquisitions.
Some of the moves are due to lack of employment, and some are transfers within employers.
From last July through this coming April there will have been 6 times I have helped a child move.
I Hate Moving!
I hate the physical act of packing, pushing, pulling, carting, heaving, and hauling STUFF!
I think all this moving is what makes me continually reassess my own possessions.
I am always asking myself,
"Do I NEED this?"
Can I toss this or recycle it?
Who else might need this?"
I have become a pitcher.
I pitch anything and everything I can't envision needing within a year's time.
I do have a few exceptions.
I like rocks.
And some shells.
Well and maybe sticks.
and seashells catch my eye.
Especially Heart shaped ones.
I will admit to a number of small bowls around the house filled with rocks.
I have begun limiting the number of rocks and shells I bring home.
Only the best ones make it into my pocket.
I've opted for just taking a picture of most of them.
I probably have enough for a rather large coffee table picture book.
But I can't imagine anyone else wanting to leaf through such a book.
I have promised my kids I will throw them out my collection before I die, or heaven forbid, before we have to move again.
But I am getting off track. I was writing about transitions...
The most recent move has been for #4.
She is in phase 1 of moving to San Francisco.
I say phase 1 because her first step was to vacate her awesome downtown Portland apartment.
I loved the old building and her corner apartment with huge windows!
I was intrigued by the old brick work in the basement. I wonder about the builders and how long ago the place was built.
She is sharing apartment space with friends until phase 2, the big move south down I-5 that will take place in a couple of weeks.
Its a lot of work moving.
I am sad to see her going so far away,
but I am excited for her at the same time.
Last summer child #2 moved to the Seattle area.
I think things are stable enough with his job that he will be there for a while, but I don't even try to predict transitions any more. I just keep my fingers crossed.
I sure couldn't have predicted that within the next few months #3 and her family will be moving west and joining us in the area.
Its not easy or cheap to move halfway across the country,
but I am happy to help them move and bring them closer to us.
I look forward to having them with us.
I never imagined 5 years ago that most of our adult children would be up and down the I-5 corridor within a half day or a days drive of us.
I am fortunate.
I would love to have my oldest and her family closer as well.
But that doesn't seem as likely.
I also have to realize the four kids still at home and approaching college age,
may not be here much longer.
They have their sights set on leaving home.
(I guess that means I have done my job!)
Oddly enough, some of the younger ones talk of moving back to Kansas or Nebraska.

I guess I simply need to make sure I have good tires on the car and gas money in savings.
This family,
as large as it is,
will always be in transition!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN