I generally don't title a blog until I am finished writing it.
Mostly because when I begin to write,
I am never certain of where my mind is going or where it might end up.
Today is no different.
This blog could go a number of different ways.
But as I begin I am thinking about ...
Wal-mart & a face full of Fix-a-Flat
Nothing says Love Like a Giant Green Frog.
I will begin by saying today has been a good day.
Up early, worked out, felt great, headed to Tai Chi, got done in time to pick up #7 from school at 11:00am, then made out my grocery list for the week.
There are 5 days til payday.
That means we are extremely tight on spendable cash.
I imagine we are not the only ones living paycheck to paycheck.
This month is especially tight so I made the decision to go to Walmart.
I want you to know that I don't make the decision to go to Walmart lightly.
I mostly avoid Walmart, like the plague!
I won't go into all the reasons why, at least not in this blog.
But today was one of those days were I needed inexpensive auto products
inexpensive groceries.
Where can you buy both under the same roof?
You see... it all starts with me needing new tires for my car.
My tires have worn out their tread and burned up the highways from Oregon to Nebraska & Kansas this past year. They are getting too thin to hold air,
at least for more than a day.
I am tired of putting a dollar in the air compressor machine down the hill at the Shell station. I, for one, think air should be free!
I knew I needed fix-a-flat and groceries.
As I parked my car, I prayed the prayer I pray every time I go shopping.
"Please God, let me buy only what I truly NEED."
I generally pray this pray twice before ever stepping foot in Walmart.
The first thing I spotted coming down the isle toward me was a woman with an enormous green frog in her cart. I first thought,
What the heck is that?
Then I wonder...
Why on earth would anyone ever buy that thing?
Does she really need that?
If she is giving it to someone, will they NEED it?
I think not!
(I won't comment on the numerous people I saw shopping in their pajamas even though it was 12:15pm.) I purchased only the items on my list and came in under my estimated costs.
I was happy.
I arrived home ready to tackle the issue of my leaking tire. I thank my parents for raising me to be self-sufficient and am equally thankful my dad taught me how to take care of cars. I was prepared!
I assume anyone reading this is familiar with the fix-a-flat product. If not, very simply it is designed to inflate and seal a leaky tire. Not the ideal solution to the problem, but a good one when you are in a 'fix'.
And I was in a fix, as new tires were not immediately in my budget.
I proceeded to carefully attach the fix-a-flat to the tire's valve stem.
I believe my mistake, (and I admit it was my mistake), was the tire was not deflated enough to accept the contents of the can. The tire pressure was higher than the pressure coming out of the can.
Pressure backed up and the hose attached to the fix-a-flat scrung loose.
(sprung...is that at word? Spell check doesn't seem to like it.)
I took what felt like a quarter of a can's contents right in the face,
including my eyes.
I became a sticky, rubbery mass of goo.
What made it worse, I couldn't see.
I'm not sure what my daughter and her friends thought when I stumbled in the house.
But I was glad they were there to help.
They located my contact case, solution, and towels.
My daughter asked, "are you okay?"
At that point I wasn't sure.
I told her, "I am just trying to handle a problem systematically and not panic."
(I was trying to set a good example for her and her friends)
I could feel her look at me strangely.
I say 'feel' because I couldn't actually see.
Yet I noticed the pause in her voice.
She said, "I'd be panicking!"
I evidently looked as bad as I felt!
I cared for my eyes first,
then my skin,
before tackling the sticky, rubbery goo in my long hair.
I remembered as a child my mom using peanut butter to remove gum from my hair.
I know it isn't the peanut butter that does the trick with gum,
it is more the oil in the peanut butter.
I grabbed all the hair care conditioners and oils I had and headed for the shower.
I am happy to report that I now feel mostly normal.
My eyes are a bit watery
and I lost a handful of hair,
but I am no worse for the wear.

I imagine my dad up there somewhere saying,
"By damn Girl, (in a slight southern drawl)
What were ya thinkin?"
And that makes me smile!
Another day...
Another lesson learned.
Don't buy a giant green frog at Walmart,
you don't NEED it!
And whoever you might be planning to give it to doesn't want it!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN
Mostly because when I begin to write,
I am never certain of where my mind is going or where it might end up.
Today is no different.
This blog could go a number of different ways.
But as I begin I am thinking about ...
Wal-mart & a face full of Fix-a-Flat
Nothing says Love Like a Giant Green Frog.
I will begin by saying today has been a good day.
Up early, worked out, felt great, headed to Tai Chi, got done in time to pick up #7 from school at 11:00am, then made out my grocery list for the week.
There are 5 days til payday.
That means we are extremely tight on spendable cash.
I imagine we are not the only ones living paycheck to paycheck.
This month is especially tight so I made the decision to go to Walmart.
I want you to know that I don't make the decision to go to Walmart lightly.
I mostly avoid Walmart, like the plague!
I won't go into all the reasons why, at least not in this blog.
But today was one of those days were I needed inexpensive auto products
inexpensive groceries.
Where can you buy both under the same roof?
You see... it all starts with me needing new tires for my car.
My tires have worn out their tread and burned up the highways from Oregon to Nebraska & Kansas this past year. They are getting too thin to hold air,
at least for more than a day.
I am tired of putting a dollar in the air compressor machine down the hill at the Shell station. I, for one, think air should be free!
I knew I needed fix-a-flat and groceries.
As I parked my car, I prayed the prayer I pray every time I go shopping.
"Please God, let me buy only what I truly NEED."
I generally pray this pray twice before ever stepping foot in Walmart.
The first thing I spotted coming down the isle toward me was a woman with an enormous green frog in her cart. I first thought,
What the heck is that?
Then I wonder...
Why on earth would anyone ever buy that thing?
Does she really need that?
If she is giving it to someone, will they NEED it?
I think not!
(I won't comment on the numerous people I saw shopping in their pajamas even though it was 12:15pm.) I purchased only the items on my list and came in under my estimated costs.
I was happy.
I arrived home ready to tackle the issue of my leaking tire. I thank my parents for raising me to be self-sufficient and am equally thankful my dad taught me how to take care of cars. I was prepared!
I assume anyone reading this is familiar with the fix-a-flat product. If not, very simply it is designed to inflate and seal a leaky tire. Not the ideal solution to the problem, but a good one when you are in a 'fix'.
And I was in a fix, as new tires were not immediately in my budget.
I proceeded to carefully attach the fix-a-flat to the tire's valve stem.
I believe my mistake, (and I admit it was my mistake), was the tire was not deflated enough to accept the contents of the can. The tire pressure was higher than the pressure coming out of the can.
Pressure backed up and the hose attached to the fix-a-flat scrung loose.
(sprung...is that at word? Spell check doesn't seem to like it.)
I took what felt like a quarter of a can's contents right in the face,
including my eyes.
I became a sticky, rubbery mass of goo.
What made it worse, I couldn't see.
I'm not sure what my daughter and her friends thought when I stumbled in the house.
But I was glad they were there to help.
They located my contact case, solution, and towels.
My daughter asked, "are you okay?"
At that point I wasn't sure.
I told her, "I am just trying to handle a problem systematically and not panic."
(I was trying to set a good example for her and her friends)
I could feel her look at me strangely.
I say 'feel' because I couldn't actually see.
Yet I noticed the pause in her voice.
She said, "I'd be panicking!"
I evidently looked as bad as I felt!
I cared for my eyes first,
then my skin,
before tackling the sticky, rubbery goo in my long hair.
I remembered as a child my mom using peanut butter to remove gum from my hair.
I know it isn't the peanut butter that does the trick with gum,
it is more the oil in the peanut butter.
I grabbed all the hair care conditioners and oils I had and headed for the shower.
I am happy to report that I now feel mostly normal.
My eyes are a bit watery
and I lost a handful of hair,
but I am no worse for the wear.

I imagine my dad up there somewhere saying,
"By damn Girl, (in a slight southern drawl)
What were ya thinkin?"
And that makes me smile!
Another day...
Another lesson learned.
Don't buy a giant green frog at Walmart,
you don't NEED it!
And whoever you might be planning to give it to doesn't want it!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN