I opted to sit on the front porch,

sip my coffee, listen to the birds sing, and let the light breeze dry my hair rather than stand in the bathroom listening to the sound of the hair dryer.
I am so pleased with my yard this year! We finished the long awaited rock wall on the north side after spreading 7 cubic yards of bark dust yesterday.

My strawberries are coming on.

My roses are in bloom.

And I am enjoying my new

Lupine & Lily plants.

I had never seen or heard of Lupine before. But it caught my eye because of its blossoms. I especially like the way water droplets rest in its leaves.

if we could just hold that new baby Gabe we are waiting on...
Maybe today!
Hope you all are having a terrific day!
- Posted by DWNTWN
Location:Coho Ave NW,Salem,United States