I have loved rocks since I was a kid.
I don't know why I am fascinated with rocks.
I just am.
I feel honored when someone brings me a rock.
Matt brought me a rock from Florida.
Jack gave me a rock from Camp Norwesca.
Robert has given me several rocks;
a unique rock found on a build site when we were working for Habitat for Humanity,
a nice size piece of quartz,
and most recently an obsidian rock from Utah.
And Jeff and I have certainly picked at, shoveled, hauled, moved, and re-stacked tons of rock!
Maybe I am not alone in this quirky fascination with rocks and stones.
Or maybe its because they are always under foot and can be an inexpensive souvenir.
Whatever the case,
I like finding rocks,
and I like getting rocks.

My most favorite rock find of all time is a rock that I can't put in my pocket and bring home.
I don't get to look at it when I want,
put it in a bowl,
or give it to someone else who might like it.
But I do like to go back and re-find it when I can.
It is a heart shaped rock I can only see at low tide.
It has been weathered and worn and has taken it's shape
just below the crashing waves off the coast of Pacific City.
I hope to get back there sometime this month for another visit.
And I hope I can show each of you exactly where it is ... someday.
Here are the links to just a few of my past blogs about sticks, stones, rocks and such.
Steppin' out with DWNTWN