Today was a big choir day for my 3 youngest girls.

It began this morning with taking Laura (#8) to school and her telling me she had to perform in front of the school this morning.
It would end with Jacquie (#7) and Caroline (#6) both performing at District Choir competition in their respective choirs, Asteria Singers and Choir of the Titans.
Before I get too much farther into this blog I want to share a bit of my conversation with Laura as we drove to school.
Laura mentioned to me in her non-chalant way their choir would be performing in front of the school this morning.
She explained the teacher believed that the more often a choir can perform in front of an audience, the better they become.
I can see the logic in this thinking.
She went on to say that yesterday their early morning Jazz choir practice was held in the hallway, as was the Jazz band practice.
When she went up to her locker after rehearsal she heard people making fun of the band and the choir.
She paused as if waiting for me to find a way to make all the uneasy feelings go away.
I thought for...
what seemed like too long.
I was searching for what to say.
I said something like this to Laura,
I think that when kids
say nice things to each other
then everyone walks away feeling better about themselves.
I think that is how it should be.
But its not like that ...
not yet."
Then we exchanged our 'I love you's'
and she got out of the car.
On my drive home to pick up Jacquie,
(She also was going to school early for a rehearsal)
I thought about all the activities my kids have been involved in over the course of 26 years or so.
I think being in band and choir has been more difficult than being in sports. Yet some how it teaches my kids a lot about following their dreams, and sharing their talents with others
even when it isn't the popular thing to do.
I am proud of them for sticking with choir even though it isn't easy.
I know, for the most part, they love choir.
It has been a tricky week around our house as both Jacquie and Caroline have been sick.
As District competition has approached they have been more and more concerned about how to care for their throats and voice.
I woke up this morning to every possible assortment of medication and home remedy's spread out upon the kitchen counters.
I think the girls tried about every combination of items imaginable including boiled ginger root (it didn't make the photo)
in an effort to be able to sing today.
I took videos of Jacquie and Caroline.
due to my iPhone not working well,
I messed up Jacquie's videos.
But figured it out to get a video or two of Caroline.
All in all it was a great day for my Choir Girls!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN

It began this morning with taking Laura (#8) to school and her telling me she had to perform in front of the school this morning.
It would end with Jacquie (#7) and Caroline (#6) both performing at District Choir competition in their respective choirs, Asteria Singers and Choir of the Titans.
Before I get too much farther into this blog I want to share a bit of my conversation with Laura as we drove to school.

She explained the teacher believed that the more often a choir can perform in front of an audience, the better they become.
I can see the logic in this thinking.
She went on to say that yesterday their early morning Jazz choir practice was held in the hallway, as was the Jazz band practice.
When she went up to her locker after rehearsal she heard people making fun of the band and the choir.
She paused as if waiting for me to find a way to make all the uneasy feelings go away.
I thought for...
what seemed like too long.
I was searching for what to say.
I said something like this to Laura,
"It's not easy being in junior high.
And if you decide to be in choir in high school,
it might not be easy there either.
Kids often times have to put each other down
in order to feel better than their selves.
They make fun of each other thinking it will make them look better.
But they are wrong.
Can you imagine if the kids you heard making fun of the band
instead went up to them and said,
Good Job!
You sounded great!
Its awesome that you come to school an hour earlier
You sounded great!
Its awesome that you come to school an hour earlier
than everyone else just to practice.
say nice things to each other
then everyone walks away feeling better about themselves.
I think that is how it should be.
But its not like that ...
not yet."
Then we exchanged our 'I love you's'
and she got out of the car.
On my drive home to pick up Jacquie,
(She also was going to school early for a rehearsal)
I thought about all the activities my kids have been involved in over the course of 26 years or so.
I think being in band and choir has been more difficult than being in sports. Yet some how it teaches my kids a lot about following their dreams, and sharing their talents with others
even when it isn't the popular thing to do.
I am proud of them for sticking with choir even though it isn't easy.
I know, for the most part, they love choir.
It has been a tricky week around our house as both Jacquie and Caroline have been sick.
As District competition has approached they have been more and more concerned about how to care for their throats and voice.
I woke up this morning to every possible assortment of medication and home remedy's spread out upon the kitchen counters.
I think the girls tried about every combination of items imaginable including boiled ginger root (it didn't make the photo)
in an effort to be able to sing today.
I took videos of Jacquie and Caroline.
due to my iPhone not working well,
I messed up Jacquie's videos.
But figured it out to get a video or two of Caroline.
All in all it was a great day for my Choir Girls!
Steppin' out with DWNTWN
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