
Monday, May 7, 2012

Poppies make me smile.

I have loved poppies since I first discovered them in the spring of 1994. (That was our first spring in Kearney.)
We moved into our home on Avenue K in late Autumn when all the trees, bushes, and flowers were dormant.
With each successive week something new was in bloom.
A couple short years later the poppies were mistaken for weeds and died at the hand of a well-intentioned landscape assistant wielding 'Round-Up'.
I've been looking for replacements ever since.
Today I found ornamental poppies!
They weren't the vibrant red ones I had in Kearney, but I found several colors that I really liked...
So I bought all 3.

I will always remember today,
A truly Joy Filled day.
I planted poppies
I spoke with my good friend José who recently received a Heart/Kidney transplant.
I don't have words to express the joy I feel for him and this second chance at life.
God is Good!