
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Snap of the Day

 Its been another great day at the coast. 
      We've been blessed to have so many friends
and family members come visit this summer.
We tend to make more time for exploring when we have visitors.
Tonight it seems we have intruded on a doe's dinner.  Under her careful watch she continued to dine on the greens right outside our front door.

Steppin' out with DWNTWN

Friday, August 19, 2011

Snap of the Day

I've been struggling to find time for photography,
time for blogging,
time for quilting, gardening, or even cleaning.
There just hasn't been time for me.

I get cranky when I there isn't time for me.
I need to time to create, recreation, and to re-create.
I don't need a LOT of time, just some time.
I have decided it is time to adjust and adapt to this current pace of life.

I don't like feeling cranky and I am pretty sure the kids don't like me
when I am cranky.

So I intend to modify my blog,
at least for a while until I can make more time for re-creating.
I am thinking about posting just a simple photo a day.
Nothing too fancy, just a quick snapshot with my iphone.
Perhaps with a short caption.
Or maybe no caption.
Or even better, let anyone who sees the snapshot give the photo a caption.
It could be interesting and
it might just be enough to feed my soul until I have more time.
So here is today's snapshot....

I am already looking forward to tomorrow.

Steppin' out with DWNTWN

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Don't Worry. Be Happy

The thought for the day yesterday was,

“Be happy for this moment.
This moment is your life.”
~ Omar Khayyám
It kind of reminds me of the lyrics to the song,
Don't Worry. Be Happy.

While I have many reasons to worry
(and I can worry with the best of worry-ers)
I am trying to be happy.

I have lots to be happy about...
My 3rd grandson,
8 healthy children,
a visit from my youngest brother,
time at the coast,
cars that run,
a cold can of Diet Coke
a warm summer sun,
food on the table,
a loving family,
vodka Martinis at Tad's,
a hot shower in the morning,
abundant berries and veggies,
the smell of fresh cut grass,
kids that help around the house,
Pandora and new music,
Green Olives,
my Nikon even if it is getting old,
a cool looking compass,
and good friends.

So tomorrow I will try to Be Happy for each moment,
because each moment is my life.
Even if some of the moments might remind me more of the book
"Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day."
I will try not to worry, and
Be Happy!

Steppin' out with DWNTWN